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Shaping and advancing the AI experience together!

AI.future workshop

With the launch of ChatGPT, the multifaceted topic of artificial intelligence (AI) has become the focus of a broad public debate. Some see AI as a major threat to their own work, while others see it as one of the most important drivers of innovation in the future.

The Fachhochschule des Mittelstands takes a constructive and critical view of these developments. By highlighting the possibilities and limitations of AI, we want to provide guidance in various areas:

  • students, in order to be successful in their careers,
  • the university, in order to offer students tailor-made qualifications,
  • the company, in order to be able to work even more efficiently, sustainably and service-oriented in the future.

Who we are

We are professors at FHM who are interested in discussing current AI developments and determining the possibilities and limits of AI in various industries and professions with their representatives. The workshop format creates space

  • to try out and evaluate AI applications together,
  • discuss opportunities and risks together and
  • evaluate specific use cases.

The creative symbiosis of humans and AI


In an interactive exhibition, MEDIUM and FHM create initial creative encounters with artificial intelligence

Click here to visit the Me&KI website

The AI Future Workshop team

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bieletzke


Prof. Dr. Katja Brickwedde

Communication & Public Relations

Prof. Dr. Tim Brüggemann

Vice President Online University, Distance Learning and Continuing Education

Prof. Dipl. Designer Jochen Dickel

Research director Emerging Technologies

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kombüchen

Scientific site manager at FHM Cologne

Prof. Dr. Astrid Kruse

Dean of the Media Department and Chair of the Examination Board

Prof. Dr. Meike Probst-Klosterkamp

Law, in particular commercial, media and international law

Excellent! Certified quality at the FHM.